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Hey, anyone who read this cx
So, by now, you've probably noticed how each of our writing styles are a little different.
I will explain what each of our writing styles are like:
Anonymous #1 writes mysterious things. Her poems leave you hanging a lot, grabbing for more, not wanted the poem to end (at least, that's how it is with me!). I love her poems, they leave me wanted more, more, more.

Anonymous #3 writes short stories. They are often mysterious, and have at least one death in them. Also, she likes fantasy. Her stories are very detailed, and some have some slightly poetic places. The writing of her stories is beautiful.

I, Anonymous #2, am a romantic writer. I give personalities to things. I can write sad, I can write happy. My poems often have symbolism or personification. For example, The Little Golden Boat is a kind of symbolism for the moon. I wrote it because I was reading 'Anne of Avonlea', and one of the characters said that the moon was a little golden boat, and when it tipped on clods, dreams fell out. I added my own little touch to it, though.
I just realized how big my paragraph is in comparison to the other writers (oops). cx
I dunno why I posted this.
Just because, I guess.
   -xx Anonymous #2
PS: We are all writing a story together. Cant wait to post the first few pages (once we writing them cx Also, those are our favorite colors cx


  1. Ha ha, yes. This is very accurate :o

    1. Glad you think so, Anonymous #1 cx



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